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Cardiovascular procedures are crucial for detecting and treating heart and blood vessel problems. These treatments are necessary for maintaining heart wellness and good health. Healthcare professionals use ICD-10 and HCPCS coding systems to create correct documentation and billing.

The significance of accurate coding in heart procedures will be highlighted as this blog discusses ICD-10 and HCPCS codes for heart procedures.

What is the ICD-10 for cardiovascular procedures?

  • A50 – Congenital syphilis: During pregnancy or delivery, a sexually transmitted infection is transmitted from mother to child.
  • A52 – Late syphilis: Advanced syphilis is an infection caused by bacteria that may damage several body systems.
  • B34 – Viral infection of the unspecified site: A viral infection without a specific location or organ.
  • E51 – Thiamine deficiency: A viral infection with no organ or location affected.
  • I13 – Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease: A syndrome where high blood pressure affects the heart and kidneys simultaneously, causing difficulties with the cardiac processes and the kidneys.
  • I25 – Chronic ischemic heart disease: Decreased blood supply to the cardiac muscle for an extended period.
  • P19 – Metabolic acidemia in a newborn: Abnormally high acid levels.
  • P22 – Respiratory distress of newborn: Difficulty breathing in a newborn.
  • P23 – Congenital pneumonia: Lung infection and swelling are evident at birth.
  • P24 – Neonatal aspiration: After birth, inhaling harmful substances into the lungs.
  • P25 – Interstitial emphysema and related conditions in the perinatal period: Abnormal air buildup in the tissues between the lungs’ air sacs during pregnancy.
  • P26 – Pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal time: Lungs breathing at the perinatal period.
  • P27 – Chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period: Long-term respiratory issues that begin during pregnancy.
  • P28 – Other respiratory conditions emerging in the perinatal time: Several respiratory infections start during prenatal time.
  • P29 – Cardiac disorders emerging in the perinatal period: During the period right before and after delivery, some conditions might harm the heart and blood vessels.
  • Q25 – Congenital malformations of great arteries: Abnormalities in the structure of the main blood arteries that carry blood away from the heart.
  • Q87 – Other specified congenital malformation syndromes affecting multiple systems: Syndromes with particular congenital abnormalities that affect several organ systems.
  • R04 – Hemorrhage from respiratory passages: Bleeding from the respiratory system or airways.
  • R73 – Elevated blood glucose level: Glucose (sugar) levels are very high in the blood.
  • R94 – Abnormal results of function studies: Abnormal results in diagnostic procedures evaluating organ function.
  • T46 – Poisoning, adverse reactions, and underdosing of cardiovascular-system-affecting drugs: Abnormal results in diagnostic procedures evaluating organ function.
  • Y71 – Heart devices associated with adverse incidents: Adverse effects from using medical equipment for cardiac procedures.
  • Z01 – Without complaint, suspected, or documented diagnosis, additional special examination: Consulting a physician for an investigation without connection to a known condition or diagnosis.
  • Z13 – Screening for additional diseases: This code is used when individuals contact a healthcare professional for screening exams to find suspected illnesses or problems.
  • Z78 – Other specified health status: This code is intended to identify a particular health condition or situation that another ICD-10 code category cannot remember.
  • Z82 – Family history of specific disabilities and chronic diseases (leading to disablement): This code is applied when an individual has a known family history of a particular disability or chronic illness that might enhance their chance of disablement.

What is the HCPCS codes for cardiovascular procedures?

  • C8928, C8930: Transthoracic echocardiography with contrast or without contrast followed by with difference, real-time with image documentation.
  • C9782: Blinded procedure for NYHA or CCS class II, III, or IV heart failure or angina pectoris.
  • G0055: Heart disease therapy improvements Value paths for MIPS.
  • G0269: Placement of an occlusive device into a vein or artery during an interventional procedure or after surgery.
  • G0446: Individual, 15 minutes, annually, intense behavioral therapy for heart disease.
  • G2066: Implantable heart physiologic monitor system, implantable loop recorder system, or subcutaneous loop recorder system evaluations of interrogation devices (remote) up to 30 days.
  • G8783: Documented average blood pressure measurement; no further action is necessary.
  • G8785: Blood pressure reading not documented; reason not given.
  • G9298, G9299: Patients with heart and venous thromboembolic risk factors were assessed within 30 days after the procedure.
  • C8928, C8930: Transthoracic echocardiography with contrast or without contrast followed by with difference, real-time with image documentation.
  • C9782: Blinded procedure for New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II or III heart failure, or Canadian cardiac Society (CCS) class II, III, or IV angina pectoris.
  • G0055: Improving heart disease procedures Value paths for the MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System).
  • G0446, G2066: Individual, 15 minutes, annually, severe behavioral therapy for heart disease.
  • G8783: Normal blood pressure reading documented; follow-up not required.
  • G8785: Blood pressure reading not documented; reason not given.
  • G9298, G9299: Patients with heart and venous thromboembolic risk factors were evaluated within 30 days after the procedure.


The management of healthcare depends on accurate coding for cardiovascular procedures. These procedures are identified and recorded by ICD-10 and HCPCS codes. These coding systems allow physicians to track cardio therapies and communicate with one another, enhancing patient care and reimbursement.

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