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When billing for physical therapy services provided to patients, healthcare practitioners employ a set of codes called physical therapy CPT codes. Insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid all accept and use these codes. CPT codes for physical therapy ensure that services are properly and accurately reimbursed.

This article will discuss the various physical therapy CPT code kinds and their meanings.

  • 29065 – Application of long arm cast: This code is used for billing for applying a cast that goes from the upper arm to the hand.
  • 29075 – Application of forearm cast: This code is used for billing for applying a cast that stretches from the elbow to the hand.
  • 29085 – Apply hand/wrist cast: Use this code to charge for applying a cast that only covers the hand and wrist.
  • 29105 – Apply long arm splint: This code is used to charge for applying an arm-length splint.
  • 29125 – Apply forearm splint: This code charges for applying a splint that runs from the elbow to the hand.
  • 29130 – Application of finger splint: This code charges for applying a finger splint.
  • 29200 – Strapping of chest: This code charges for applying bandages or straps to the chest.
  • 29240 – Strapping of shoulder: This code is used for billing for applying straps or bandages to the shoulder.
  • 29260 – Strapping of elbow or wrist: This code is used for billing for applying straps or bandages to the elbow or wrist.
  • 29280 – Strapping of hand or finger: Use this code to charge for applying straps or bandages to the hand or a single finger.
  • 29345- Application of long leg cast: This code is used when the leg is immobilized with a long leg cast. Depending on where the damage is, the Cast can go from the foot or ankle to the upper thigh or hip.
  • 29405 – Apply short leg cast: This code is used when the foot, ankle, and lower leg are immobilized with a short leg cast. From the knee down to the toes, the Cast is present.
  • 29445 – Apply rigid leg cast: This code is used to immobilize the limb by applying a rigid leg cast. Plaster or fiberglass hard casts are used to fix shattered bones or to treat deformities.
  • 29505 – Application long leg splint: This code is utilized when a long leg splint is used to immobilize the leg. A splint is a piece of medical equipment used to support a joint or immobilize a broken bone.
  • 29515 – Application lower leg splint: This code is utilized when the foot, ankle, and lower leg are immobilized using a lower leg splint. The splint goes all the way down to the toes.
  • 29520 – Strapping of hip: This code is used when the hip joint is strapped to stabilize it. Strapping is the process of supporting a joint or muscle with a strap or bandage.
  • 29530 – Strapping of knee: This code is used when a knee strap is utilized to support the knee joint. Strapping is the way to keep a joint or muscle with a strap or bandage.
  • 29540 – Strapping of ankle and foot: This code is used when a strap is applied to the ankle or foot to support the joint.
  • 29550 – Strapping of toes: This code is used when toe strapping is applied to stabilize the toes.
  • 29580 – Application of paste boot: This code is utilized when a paste boot is used to immobilize the foot and ankle. A paste boot is a form of Cast used to immobilize the foot and ankle. It is comprised of a material that resembles plaster.
  • 90901 – Biofeedback training: This technique involves measuring and providing feedback on biological processes, including heart rate, respiration, and muscle tension using electrical devices. By gaining the ability to control these processes, individuals can better manage illnesses like anxiety, chronic pain, and high blood pressure.
  • 95851 – Range of motion measurements:  This CPT Code determines the extent of a joint’s range of motion in various directions. This test is frequently used in physical therapy to assess improvement and choose a course of action for illnesses like arthritis and joint injuries.
  • 97010 – Hot or cold pack therapy: To relieve pain, inflammation, and edema, a specific area of the body is subjected to the application of heat or cold. Muscle sprains, strains, and arthritis can all be treated using this method.
  • 97012 – Mechanical traction therapy: Using a mechanical device to stretch and decompress the spine is the goal of this code. Back pain relief and increased mobility are two benefits of this treatment.
  • 97018 – Paraffin bath therapy: This method of reducing joint pain and stiffness involves soaking the hands or feet in warm paraffin wax. For illnesses including fibromyalgia and arthritis, this therapy is frequently employed.
  • 97022 – Whirlpool therapy involves submerging a portion of the body in warm water with swirling jets, an alternative treatment. This procedure can assist in increasing circulation, lessen discomfort and inflammation, and encourage relaxation.
  • 97750 – Physical performance tests: These measure a person’s abilities and limitations, including their stamina, endurance, and balance. This test is frequently applied in physical therapy and sports medicine.
  • 97602 – Wound care non-selective: This covers the management and treatment of numerous wound types, such as pressure sores, burns, and surgical wounds. This action may include cleansing the wound, donning dressings, and monitoring the healing process.
  • 97542 – Wheelchair management training: Wheelchair management training teaches people how to use and modify a wheelchair appropriately to improve mobility and independence.
  • 97535 – Self-care management training: This code includes teaching individuals with disabilities or chronic conditions how to manage their activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.
  • 97530 – Therapeutic activities: This category covers exercises and other activities that enhance behavioral, cognitive, and physical function.
  • 97124 – Massage therapy: Soft tissues are worked on during this procedure to increase circulation, release muscle tension, and lessen discomfort and stress.
  • 97036 – Hydrotherapy refers to the therapeutic use of water for pain treatment, relaxation, and increased circulation.
  • 97035 – Ultrasound therapy involves a technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to aid healing and lessen pain and inflammation.
  • 97034 – Contrast bath therapy: This technique improves circulation, lowers inflammation, and relieves pain by immersing a body part alternately in warm and cold water.
  • 97033 – Electric current therapy: This treatment stimulates nerves and muscles, reduces pain, and enhances function using low-level electrical currents.


Physical therapy CPT codes are essential to the billing process for physical therapy services. It is necessary to understand the different types of codes and how they are used to ensure accurate and appropriate reimbursement for services provided. As a patient, it is essential to understand the services being provided and to communicate with your physical therapist and insurance company to ensure that your services are covered.

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