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Radiation oncology employs high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and destroy cancer cells. It’s often provided with chemotherapy and surgery. Radiation treatment treats lung, prostate, breast, and brain cancers.

This blog will discuss CPT codes in radiation oncology and how they may streamline patient and physician procedures. We’ll also examine how CPT codes might enhance patient outcomes.

So, let’s begin our CPT code analysis!

Note: Only the important and most commonly used CPT codes are discussed in each range.


(Code Range – 77261-77299)

  •  77261 – Treatment planning for delivery of radiation therapy with external beam radiation, including 3D-CT simulation(s) when performed; simple

This code is used for simple external beam radiation therapy treatment planning. It includes the use of 3D-CT simulations to plan the delivery of radiation therapy.

  • 77262 – Treatment planning for delivery of radiation therapy with external beam radiation, including 3D-CT simulation(s) when performed; intermediate

This code is used for intermediate external beam radiation therapy treatment planning. It includes the use of 3D-CT simulations and additional planning techniques to optimize the delivery of radiation therapy.

  • 77263 – Treatment planning for delivery of radiation therapy with external beam radiation, including 3D-CT simulation(s) when performed; complex

This code is used for complex external beam radiation therapy treatment planning. It includes using advanced planning techniques, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS).

  •  77280 – Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; simple

Simple internal radiation therapy treatment planning. It involves using simulations to plan the delivery of radiation therapy using internal sources, such as brachytherapy.

  • 77285 – Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; complex

Complex internal radiation therapy treatment planning. It involves using advanced planning techniques, such as 3D imaging and computerized planning systems, to precisely deliver high doses of radiation.


(Code Range – 77295-77370)

  • 77295 – Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; complex

Complex radiation therapy treatment field planning is billed using this code. CT or MRI may be used to locate and size the treatment area.

  •  77300 – Manual calculation of dose distribution using computer software for dosimetry calculation, simple

This code bills for manually computing radiation dose distribution using computer software for simple situations.

  • 77316 – Brachytherapy; simple

This code bills for simple brachytherapy cases. Brachytherapy involves inserting radioactive sources into the body, either permanently or temporarily, to give a high radiation dosage to a specified location.

  • 77321 – Special treatment procedure (e.g., total body irradiation, hemi body radiation)

Radiation treatments like complete body or hemi body radiation are billed using this code.

  • 77336 – Radiation treatment delivery, complex

This code is used for billing for delivering radiation therapy treatment for complex cases, which may involve multiple radiation beams or complex treatment techniques.


(Code Range – 77371-77387)

  • 77371: This code describes the initial set-up and planning of the stereotactic radiation treatment, including creating customized immobilization devices and using specialized imaging techniques.
  • 77372: This code describes the delivery of the stereotactic radiation treatment using a linear accelerator (LINAC) or other radiation therapy equipment.
  •  77373: This code describes the use of multiple radiation fields to deliver the stereotactic radiation treatment, which may be necessary for larger or more complex tumors.
  • 77374: This code describes image guidance techniques, such as CT scans or MRI, to ensure the precise delivery of the stereotactic radiation treatment.
  •  77385: Stereotactic radiation treatment is delivered using IMRT in this code. IMRT employs computer-controlled beams that aim at the tumor while preserving surrounding healthy tissue.


(Code Range – 77399-77417)

  •  77402: Radiation treatment delivery, single treatment area: This code is used for delivering radiation therapy to a single body area, such as the chest or abdomen.
  • 77407: Radiation treatment delivery, complex: This code is used when the radiation therapy delivery requires complex planning, preparation, or unique patient positioning.
  •   77412: Radiation treatment delivery, simple: This code is used when the radiation therapy delivery requires only simple planning, preparation, or positioning of the patient.7399-77417


(Code Range – 77423-77425)

  •  77423: Describes the initial set-up and calibration of the treatment equipment for neutron beam radiation therapy. This includes the measurement and verification of the radiation dose and the positioning of the patient for treatment.
  •  77424: Describes the delivery of neutron beam radiation therapy, including administering the radiation dose and monitoring the patient during treatment.
  • 77425: Describes the management of treatment complications or side effects, if they occur, during neutron beam radiation therapy.


(Code Range – 77427-77499)

  • 77427: Radiation treatment management, 5 treatments or fewer

This code reports radiation treatment management when a patient receives five or fewer treatments.

  •   77431: Radiation treatment management, six or more treatments

States radiation treatment management when a patient gets six or more treatments.

  •  77432: Image guidance for radiation treatment delivery, includes intrafraction tracking when performed

This code reports the use of imaging guidance during radiation treatment delivery, including tracking the target area during treatment.

  •  77435: Stereoscopic X-ray guidance for localization of target volume for delivery of radiation therapy

This code reports the use of stereoscopic X-ray guidance to locate the target area for radiation therapy delivery.

  • 77470: Special treatment procedure (e.g., total body irradiation, hemi body radiation)

Reports special treatment procedures such as total body irradiation or hemi body radiation.

  • 77499: Unlisted radiation procedure, therapeutic, diagnostic, or planning

Used to report any radiation procedure that does not have a specific CPT code assigned to it.


(Code Range – 77520-77525)

  •   77520: This code is used when a simple proton treatment is delivered, meaning that the proton beam is directed at a single target without complex treatment planning.
  •   77521: This code is used for intermediate-level proton treatment delivery, which involves more complex treatment planning and may involve multiple targets.
  •   77522: This code is used when delivering a complex proton treatment involving highly targeted areas or multiple beams.
  •   77523: This code reports the use of a device or devices necessary for delivering a complex or compensator-based proton treatment. It should be written in addition to the code for the primary procedure.
  •   77525: This treatment involves delivering a complete course of radiation therapy to cranial lesions using a single session. The radiation is generated by a multi-source Cobalt-60 system.


(Code Range – 77600-77615)

  •   77600: Hyperthermia, external (including infrared)

External hyperthermia treatment that involves exposing the tumor to high temperatures using external sources, such as infrared radiation.

  •   77605: Hyperthermia, external, pelvic

Used to report external hyperthermia treatment in the pelvic region. It is often performed with radiation therapy, registered using code 77427.

  •   77610: Hyperthermia, external, breast

Report external hyperthermia treatment in the breast region. It is often performed with radiation therapy, written using code 77427.

  •   77615: Hyperthermia, interstitial

Interstitial hyperthermia treatment, which involves inserting needles or catheters into the tumor and using them to deliver heat directly to the cancerous cells.

Clinical Intracavitary Radiation Hyperthermia Treatment:

(Code Range – 77620-77620)

  •   77620: Treatment delivery of interstitial radiation source application.
  •   77625: This code is used for delivering high-dose rate radiation source(s), single or multiple application(s), in interstitial or intracavitary placement, including imaging guidance.
  •   77630: This code is used for delivering low-dose-rate radiation source(s), single or multiple application(s), in interstitial or intracavitary placement, including imaging guidance.

Clinical Brachytherapy Radiation Treatment:

(Code Range – 77750-77799)

  •   77776: Pertains to interstitial radiation source applications. Interstitial radiation brachytherapy places a radiation source near the tumor. This code applies to percutaneous, transcutaneous, and transluminal radiation sources.
  •   77785: Remote after-loading high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy. HDR brachytherapy uses a catheter or applicator to temporarily insert a radiation source. Remote after-loading systems transfer the reference to the applicator through a computer-controlled connection from a shielded tool outside the patient’s body.
  • § 77787: Intraoperative radiation source application. Brachytherapy during surgery is intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT). The surgery uses this code when the radiation source is pushed directly into the tumor bed.
  • 77790: Remote after-loading brachytherapy radiation source supervision, handling, loading, and unloading. Handling and loading the radiation source for HDR brachytherapy are reported using this code.
  •  77799: Unlisted interstitial or intracavitary radioelement application. When the method conducted has no more particular code in the range, this code is employed.


CPT codes play a crucial role in the complicated and specialized field of radiation oncology treatment. CPT codes are a vital tool for maintaining accuracy and efficiency in radiation oncology treatment, from coding through billing. Radiation oncology treatment may be accurately tracked, recorded, and billed using CPT codes, leading to better patient care and results.

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